Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Online Shopping

Online shopping is getting popularised at a faster pace day by day. Today it enjoys a wider accessibility in the mega-cities and towns. Even the most remotest rural pockets of the country. welcome this modern concept of marketization of commodities. It has its benefits that encourage the buyers. The buyers can have count-less items of the things they like to buy through internet. They also learn about the price of those things. Once the decision taken, they just order or book it. They are to pay the price on smart card, debit card or in cash at the time of delivery. There being no middle man between the buyer and the seller, the things ordered are expected to be of cheaper rate. Besides, on-line shopping saves time and energy of the purchasers. They require no visit to shopping and no line-up for choice. In this age of hectic haste and hurry, that on-line shopping will claim a boom is obvious. Actually, you can go in for a quality product according to your quality choice, spending the least of your quality time. Hence on-line shopping is the automatic choice of modern people.

Craze for Selfie :

Selfie is a new import in social media. It means a self-portrait taken by one holding out one's camera in front of one. Today selfies are taken by mobile camera. The selfie-lovers post their photoson social media such as Facebook, Instragram, Whatsapp etc. The selfies of the celebrities soon become viral and earn comments to satisfy their ego. As for Tom, Dick and Harry, the impact is not also
minimum. They share their selfies with their friends, relatives and thus a communication is established. It was in 2013, the word selfie was coined and it became the word of the year. But what is the motive behind selfie-taking ? Infact, self-projection and appreciation for it are the guiding motif behind selfie-posting. Besides, modern man seeks his own space as himself he deliberately keeps aloof from the larger society . So they enjoy selfie-taking. But the selfie-lovers often fall in grave danger. What is fun to them often lead them to death. While taking selfies, they often forget when and where they stand. Let us stop selfie-snapping rashly. Let us act sensiblv. keeping in mind that self-projection is good, but self-extinction in the name ofself-projection is just suicidal.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Paragraph : Pollution

Points : What is pollution - types of pollutions - causes of pollution-effect of pullution- prevention - Conclusion.
The condtion of impurity which poisons our environment is called pollution. There are four kinds of pollution like air pollution, sound pollution, and pollution and water pollution. All these are very harmful to us. Air is being consantly polluted by smoke from factories and poisonous carbon-di-oxide emitted by motor veh les. It caused various diseases and damage the growth of plants and crops. Sound pollution is created by the indiscriminate use of loud speakers. diferent sounds of vehicles and factories. It tells upon our hearing and nerves also. Land is also polluted due to uncollected garbages that polluted our environment. Water is polluted due to use of detergent and pesticides and also untreated sewage system. It is not only harmtul tor human also water animals and plants to0. So we should everybody aware to avert the pollution at any cost. Unless mankind will come to an end in near future.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Global Warming - Definition, facts, reasons and outcomes of Global Warming.

Paragraph :
Global Warmning :
Global Warming is at present a burning problem to us. It means the annual average increase of temperature of the earth. It is caused. mostly by the increase of green house gases like--carbon dioxide, Methane in the atmosphere. As a result, it is seen an increasement of temperature of the Earth and the poler-ice-caps have already started melting. If it is gradually increased like this, as per scientsts rise in the level of water will cross the danger level and many islands and costal areas will be submerged. Not only that area of desert will be expanded and weather will be changed which may cause of various. diseases and damage of crops producation. It is not only harmful for hurnan also animals and plants kingdom. Only trees can prevent this global warming. So the extensive programme of plantation is needed first and foremost all over the world. Moreover people should well aware to stop all sorts of pollution to avert this Global Warming. Unless our own existence will come to an end in near future. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Paragraph: Science in Everyday Life or Importance of Science in Your Daily Life

Science is a great blessing to mankind. We feel the touch of science in every walk of life. Our daily life is greatly influenced by science. New new inventions of science have made our lives comfortable and smooth. From dawn to dusk which a modern man uses, are the gifts of science. Electric light,fan, typewriter ,washing mechine, refrigerator and many other things have brought comforts to our lives. T.V., Radio, Telephone, Telegraph, Mobile phone-all such gift of science have brought the world in our drawing room. Thanks to science modern communication helped to chain the whole world in a family. In the field of technology science has made a great change and wonders. Modern science added many changes in the field of medicai treatment, T.B., Polio,Cancer like deadly diseases can be cured due to development of medical science. Latest invention of science like computer, internet and satelities have been adding great help in our daily life. This is why. every modern man is greatly indebt to science.

Paragraph : Travelling is a Part of Education

A Christian travels to Zerujalem so does a Muslim to Macca for pilgrimage, some travels for health or fashion but very few people travel for education. It is sald that learning from book is one part of education and travelling is an another part. Rabindranath said. "In Education reading and seeing must be combined'. In fact without travelling education can't be completed. Books provide us into bookish knowledge but travelling can make it perfect. It brings us into contact with different ways of life.Though travelling we can come closler with their culture, religions, customs, manners and even their socio-economic life. When we travel through Egypt's pyramids, forts of
Rajasthan relics of Nalanda, the cave of Aianta and Ellora-the pages of history alive before our eyes. Apart from all these travelling awaken ourout look. fellow-feellings and universal brother-hood. Moreover through travelling we can overcome our narrowness,preudice and superstitions too.Hence travelling is really the part of education.

  A Night Out A Night Out [Picture Window] 1. It was about twelve o'clock at night when T...